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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

India beats SA on AIDS:UN report

The Indian subcontinent is a major cause of concern in the global AIDS epidemic, with India alone accounting for two-thirds of HIV cases in the whole of Asia, according to a new report by the United Nations released today. The world's second-most populous nation has overtaken South Africa as the country with the most people living with the HIV virus, the specialised agency UNAIDS said.

An estimated 5.7 million Indians were infected by the end of 2005, the Geneva-based body said in its biennial study of the global epidemic. That compared with an estimated 5.5 million people in South Africa, which is grappling with one of the hgihest infection rates per capita in Africa, the hardest-hit continent, said UNAIDS. However, India's overall rate of adult infections paled compared to South Afric's because of the relative size of the population of the two countries.

While 18.8 percent of South African adults were living with HIV, the figure in India was 0.9 percent. Overall, Indian HIV cases accounted for two-thirds of Asia's total. Estimates of total deaths in India since AIDS was first indentified globally in 1981 range from 270,000 to 680,000. Most of the infections there were caused by unprotected heterosexual intercourse, according to unaids. States in southern India have traditionally been the hardest hit by the disease: in Tamil Nadu, for example, HIV rates of 50 percent have been found among prostitiutes. However, these regions have also made strides in fighting the disease. Tamil Nadu scaled up prevention efforts in the 1990s.


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